Amazon Stores Explained

Amazon Stores Explained
by: avex10/24/2017

Quick Summary One of the greatest things about Amazon as a company is that they’re always listening to customers and looking for ways to improve their experience.  This can sometimes mean more work for businesses selling their wares through Amazon’s platform, but often, upgrades are in the best interest of consumers and businesses alike, and brands that take advantage have the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and get the jump on competitors.

One of the greatest things about Amazon as a company is that they’re always listening to customers and looking for ways to improve their experience. This can sometimes mean more work for businesses selling their wares through Amazon’s platform, but often, upgrades are in the best interest of consumers and businesses alike, and brands that take advantage have the opportunity to increase customer satisfaction and get the jump on competitors.

One of the biggest problems for many brands when using Amazon is ownership. Selling wares through Amazon can exponentially increase access to a consumer audience, but it also means that you’re selling to Amazon customers, not brand customers. With Amazon Stores, brands now have the opportunity to create a stronger presence even when selling through Amazon, and to push other products.

This also gives consumers the chance to find additional items in line with whatever they’re looking for, or to connect with branding that speaks to them, which increases chances for sales and brand loyalty in a way that benefits consumers, brands, and Amazon all at the same time. It’s a win-win-win scenario.

So, what exactly are Amazon Stores? How can brands take full advantage of this upgrade to increase sales and brand recognition? Here are a few things you need to know.

What are Amazon Stores?

Amazon Stores are a modern way of customizing your content to promote your products and your brand on Amazon. These multipage stores allow you to display a branded header and content tiles featuring text and images related to your products, including not only the product users are seeking, but related products they might be interested in. They allow you to get more creative when it comes to designing pages, adding brand imaging and messaging, and curating collections of products intended to spark the interest of shoppers.

What are the Main Features?

The biggest improvement many sellers will enjoy is the ability to create multiple branded pages, up to three levels deep. This allows you to create an experience that best showcases your brand and offers added value and relevance to shoppers. Many business owners will also appreciate the Store Builder tools, which include templates that make the design process easy and intuitive.

If you’ve heard of rich media content, then you are probably aware of how important it has recently become, not only for search engines and other platforms catering to users, but also to businesses looking to compete. You’ll be happy to hear that Amazon Stores support and encourage the use of rich media content to enhance the shopping experience.

Setup and Management

With Amazon’s Store Building, the nuts and bolts of putting your Amazon Store together are simple, but you still need to think about the best layout and content for your brand. You’ll have some latitude to add content as you see fit within the basic format, but generally, you’ll have to populate the pages of your Amazon store with product images and descriptions (or other branded copy), as well as include a hero image for the header and a navigation bar. Your pages can be unique, but following the format provided by Amazon templates makes for a more user-friendly experience.

As for managing your Amazon Store, you’ll have access to Page Manager and Tile Manager Tools that allow you to add, delete, move, and edit your content, as well as a preview window that shows you how completed pages will appear to users, and a status bar so you can track where your pages are in the submission process.

Submission and Approval

Amazon naturally wants to ensure that businesses are providing suitable content to their users, so you’ll have to submit your Amazon Store pages for review and approval before they go live. The process could take several days, and the best way to ensure success is to carefully go over finished pages before submission to ensure they are free of spelling and grammatical errors, they’re optimized for mobile, and they’re going to provide the best possible user experience.

Once you’ve gotA+ content in place to provide a rich experience to customers, it’s time to consider the best way to promote your brand through Amazon. Amazon Stores provide myriad opportunities to make a lasting impression on a consumer audience and improve long-term results for your brand.

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