How to Optimize Social Media Advertising

How to Optimize Social Media Advertising
by: avex03/29/2018

Quick Summary It’s no secret that we all live in breathe social media every day. In the past, brands got their names out through billboards and commercial spots. Now, these are still useful tactics, but when everyone’s scrolling on their phones and newsfeeds in their spare time (which is, a lot of the time), why not target these people directly? Social media advertising has changed the game, and now, it’s easier than ever for brands to showcase their products and reach their customers. This can be especially beneficial when partnering with a digital agency such as Avex to help curate content and find the right customer to target.

It’s no secret that we all live in breathe social media every day. In the past, brands got their names out through billboards and commercial spots. We now live in a digital age and brands need to optimize social media advertising to reach their audience.

Now, these are still useful tactics, but when everyone’s scrolling on their phones and newsfeeds in their spare time (which is, a lot of the time), why not target these people directly?

Social media advertising has changed the game, and now, it’s easier than ever for brands to showcase their products and reach their customers. This can be especially beneficial when partnering with a digital agency such as Avex to help curate content and find the right customer to target.

Here are a few tips from experts in the field:

1. Focus On One Customer At a Time

social media advertising

It’s easy to think you can reach the whole world when you release your Facebook ad, but it won’t be useful in the long run. Jesse Silkoff, founder of says:

“One very key part of our business is to drive local service providers to sign up for our service. We have local personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists and others in the health and wellness space. However, when doing Facebook advertising for each of these different providers we only focus on advertising to one group at a time. By doing this we are able to think through our targeting more thoroughly, and ultimately have higher conversion rates.”

2. Know Where Your Customer Is Located

social media advertising

If you’re a newer brand and you don’t know who exactly your customer is, there are specific targeting techniques that can help you. Rohit Sharma from Statusbrew recommends geofencing.

“Geofencing is an AdWords based tool that helps you to target a more general area. It can be anything such as a particular area, zip code or particular city. It is slightly broader, but it can be used strategically if there is a general location where your customers will be that you wish to target. This allows you to reach a much larger group of people, and specifically, the right group of people.”

3. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

social media advertising

An ad is useless unless it has the brand to match. Too often companies will release ads showcasing their product, but if their social media isn’t active or up to date, it makes the customer question whether or not you have a trustworthy brand. Alexandra Zelenko from DDI Development says:

“The only permanent, static elements of your social media presence are your social media profiles. Your posts, images and tweets will change from day to day, but your profiles should remain relatively constant. When a potential customer find your business online, this is likely one of the first places they will look.”

4. Never Ignore Feedback

It’s great when you get a new customer that found your brand through an ad. However, not all customers are happy ones. It’s important to take feedback from new customers to help improve your brand and product. Sowndarya Kishore from Social Animal says:

“Never ignore negative feedback or reviews. You’ll be amazed to find that a proper response can work wonders. This also increases credibility.”

5. Go Live!

social media advertising

There’s no time like the present for advertising (literally). One of the best things about using Facebook Live is that customers can see it in real time, and it will stay live on your page for up to 24 hours. From there, you can target a specific audience. Christina Nicholson, former TV reporter and anchor,  says :

“After you do it, do all you can to drive traffic for 24 hours so the engagement on the Facebook Live grows. Then, boost it to a targeted audience.  Not only is this unconventional, but it works well because Facebook rewards engagement and Facebook Live gives you the most engagement. Plus, people like to see things off the cuff and not so buttoned up on social media. It will make you more relatable and will be fun to watch for your audience.”

6. A/B Testing

social media advertising

Advertising takes some experimentation, which is why A/B testing is a great tool to use. Tim Levin from Efferent Media says:

“A/B testing, sometimes referred to as split testing, is comparing two versions of a social ad to see which performs best. Making a minor change to the image, supporting copy or call-to-action, will create two different variants of the same ad. Those two variants are then promoted at the same time to the same audience to see which performs best. “

These are just some tips to help you optimize social media advertising. For more information on how Avex can help, check out our services.

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