Product Of New York x Pony Sneakers

Quick Summary Recently we launched the new website, which will include a Magento powered, e-commerce store within the next few weeks. Currently, Product Of New York showcases the brand’s look books, life-style blog, Tumblr Feed and general information.
Our first post of 2015. Yes, I know, we should be blogging every week / day / month. That’s what we tell our clients as well. But we’ve been so busy working on some awesome new projects. Once of them is Product Of New York. An iconic new fashion e-commerce website. So excited to launch this, we really cannot wait. We’ve already posted the soft-launch, but there’s more coming soon.
Here is a sneak peak of the new website that we’ve been working on. Product Of New York is a new branch of PONY sneakers, which is “channelling the authentic energy of it’s hometown into premium functional products”
Recently we launched the new website, which will include a Magento powered, e-commerce store within the next few weeks. Currently, Product Of New York showcases the brand’s look books, life-style blog, Tumblr Feed and general information.
The design focused on a minimal feel, with emphasis on premium and high-end fashion. A big departure from Pony’s aesthetic, while still remaining true to the iconic brand.
It has been great working with these guys and we cannot wait for everyone to see the new shop!
Check out Product Of New York here