E-commerce Insights

Our thoughts on e-commerce, technology, Shopify and design. Actionable advice to grow your business.


Horizontal Scrolling Tumblr Theme

Client Request: Create a custom horizontal scrolling tumblr theme Our client, Campfire, hired us to create a horizontal scrolling tumblr theme for the new Cinemax TV show “Banshee.” The tumblr page would house various clips from the show as GIFs. Users can then collect and share GIFs, starting a viral buzz about Banshee. Working with […]


Best Web Design Tutorials 2012

1. Team Treehouse Team Treehouse is a great tutorial website that helps all designers and developers. From beginner to expert. There are tons of tutorials on web design, development, coding, iOS development and more. 2. Smashing Magazine This is one blog that should be in every web designer’s bookmarks. Tons of tutorials, articles, and resources. […]


Using the async attribute

The async tag is a boolean attribute, which means that its presence alone in the browser indicates true, or “Yes, use this damn feature!” It tells the browser to execute (in this case) script.min.js as soon as it is available. Scripts that are loaded using async are executed as soon as they are downloaded, rather than in the order of their appearance in the HTML.

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